Electric Vehicles are Loud

Anyone who says EVs are quiet is full of bologna! Sure, they might not have any engine noise, but they have just as much wind and road noise as any other vehicle.
Thanks to a friend, I was able to spend a day driving a Tesla Model 3 Performance on a ~450 mile trip. That thing must have little to no sound insulation because while cruising the interstate at 75mph we had to yell at each other to have a conversation. Seriously, it is just as loud as my 500 Abarth at freeway speeds. Good sound insulation is one of the things that give luxury cars a premium feel. You would think a $60,000 sedan would have better NVH than a muffler-less turbo economy car.
I will say the Tesla was perfect for enduring Ft Worth’s traffic. The car effortlessly creeped along for hours while we mindlessly chatted about interdimensional aliens, keto diets, and other important topics.
During our ~450 mile trip, 1hr 20min was spent recharging the batteries. The charging stations are conveniently located at gas stations and shopping malls, so that of course lead to unnecessary purchases.
Best part of the drive was in the video below. Any car is fun on a gravel road…
Posted in Car Reviews.

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