ACDelco Brushless Ratchet 1-year Review

As a pseudo-professional DIY’er, I need quality tools that won’t break the bank. This ACDelco cordless ratchet has exceeded my expectations, and it’s just fun using it. I’ve been using it for a little over a year now. It has definitely become my favorite tool.

If you’ve never used a cordless ratchet before, they are a game changer. Not only do they save time and your wrists, but they are extremely portable. You’re not tethered to a shop air compressor like you are with an air ratchet. You can easily throw a cordless ratchet in your tool bag and take it anywhere with you. I’ve even used it at a car meet in a parking lot.

Milwaukee is considered the king of cordless power tools, but they are also quite expensive. This ACDelco brushless ratchet is nearly half the cost of the comparable Milwaukee. Is it only half as good? Not at all! It boasts similar specs as the Milwaukee, and I’ve confirmed them to be true. At the time I’m writing this, the ACDelco can be had for $140. Amazon currently has a $15 off coupon for it as well. Pick yours up here:

ACDelco’s customer support is also excellent. I had the misfortune to test that becuase I had an issue with the battery charger, but they replaced the charger for me no questions asked.

You can watch me putting this cordless ratchet to the test in the video below.

Posted in Tool Reviews.

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